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Chiropractic Care for Whiplash Pain

Whiplash Treatment in Mesa

Whiplash is an injury that can cause pain in the upper back, neck, and head. Sometimes this injury may take a day or two for pain symptoms to arise since the affected areas are usually inflamed. Whiplash is considered a severe neck injury because this area of the body is very sensitive to stress and inflammation. Whiplash commonly occurs from an auto accident, but it can also happen from playing sports, a hard fall, and even from riding an amusement park ride such as roller coaster or bumper cars. In severe cases of whiplash, a person may experience impaired hearing or seeing and memory disruptions. Whiplash can also cause other symptoms such as, low back pain, dizziness, headaches, upper back pain, shoulder pain, fatigue, and cognitive problems. Although many whiplash injuries can heal in time, more than 20 percent of whiplash victims continue to suffer from some level of pain for several years after their accident.

Fortunately, chiropractic care can help restore the normal movement and position of the vertebrae through a chiropractic adjustment to help realign the spine and relieve pain from whiplash. Chiropractic treatment may be able to help minimize chronic pain and long-term symptoms that are common with whiplash injuries.

To learn more about how chiropractic care can help reduce whiplash pain, call Ahnen Chiropractic in Mesa at (480) 999-9050 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Manfred Ahnen, DC today.

The first step to whiplash pain relief is to schedule a free consultation in our Mesa office to discuss the specifics of your condition. Schedule an appointment at Ahnen Chiropractic in Mesa today!

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